Press Reviews


Hello everyone,

I'm tea enthusiast Andy.

I'm delighted to have the opportunity to share some Yoshantea’s news of you.

“&Premium” is a magazine that revolves around the theme of advocating a better life. This feature is not only evident in its cover with "The Guide To A Better Life" reflected in the depth and breadth of its content.

The first time I discovered this magazine in the bookstore, I was captivated by its simple yet appealing cover.

I'm thrilled that the Yoshantea have been recommended by “&Premium” and featured in the 11th issue of this month, where I can share it with all of you.

#&Premium #PremiumMagazine #ElegantLife #BetterLifeGuide #yoshantea #taiwantea #dongdingtea #oolongtea #teafacotry #FSSC22000 #safetea