
World Green Tea Contest Awards Ceremony

World Green Tea Contest Awards Ceremony
Hello everyone,

I am the very busy Andy.

This is the third time that "Yoshantea" has participated in the "World Green Tea Contest," and we have won awards continuously for three years. In total, we have amassed 13 award-winning teas.

To read more, please visit our website:

The World Green Tea Contest initially focused mainly on green tea for the competition, but later expanded to include other types of teas as well.

Having participated in several contests, this year marked our first time receiving an award in Shizuoka Prefecture. In addition to the tea competition, the World Green Tea Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, provided a "Tea Quality Evaluation Guide." This guide will be a great strategy for improving quality.

We welcome everyone to visit Yoshantea during the holidays for a tea experience.

#YoshanTea #TaiwanTea #DongDingTea #OolongTea #TeaFactory #FSSC22000 #SafeTea # WorldGreenTeaContest