The Journey of Tea

2024 Zhushan International Tea Ceremony Festival: Korean Tea Ritual

2024 Zhushan International Tea Ceremony Festival: Korean Tea Ritual

The Zhushan International Tea Ceremony Festival is an annual highlight in Zhushan Town, with special guests from the Pocheon Tea Culture Research Society in South Korea's Pocheon tea region, renowned for its green tea production. This year's event is led by Vice President Professor Lee Ju-hyun, alongside teachers Lee Yang-sook and Park Ha Yan from Korea.

On the first holiday of the Zhushan International Tea Ceremony Festival, the teachers will perform a special "Guest Welcoming Tea Ceremony." When guests arrive, the host prepares high-quality tea leaves to honor the distinguished visitors. Additionally, the event will feature unique tea foods made by artisans recognized as intangible cultural heritage by the Korean government, using pine pollen and kumquats immersed in honey, symbolizing ultimate respect and high etiquette for the guests.

Tea ceremony is not just an art form but also a discipline rich in history and culture. Through this demonstration, participants are expected to deeply experience the exquisite aesthetics and longstanding traditions of Korean tea culture.

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