The Journey of Tea

The temperature of the water is crucial when brewing tea. How can you tell if the water temperature is 85 °C (185°F) or 65 °C (149°F)? | Methods to determine water temperature for tea brewing.

The temperature of the water is crucial when brewing tea. How can you tell if the water temperature is 85 °C (185°F) or 65 °C (149°F)? | Methods to determine water temperature for tea brewing.

Hello there, tea aficionados!
I’m Andy, a tea enthusiast.

The secret to brewing a great cup of tea lies in the water temperature. We often hear about using boiling water or cooled water for tea, with specific temperatures like 85°C or 65°C being mentioned.

Green tea (60°C -80°C), Gyokuro (60°C), Matcha (80°C), tender leaf tea (65°C-85°C), and Oriental Beauty (85°C) are some of the common teas that require lower temperatures to bring out their delicious flavors.

To achieve these precise temperatures, one might resort to a temperature-controlled kettle. But is there a simpler way to know the water temperature?

After years of tea brewing experience and experimentation, I’d like to share the following method:

I recommend using a glass or ceramic cup of about 500ml - a common size found in households. Pour boiling water into the cup and wait for 4 minutes to reach approximately 85°C. For about 65°C, wait 20 minutes.

Waiting time
1 minute
4 minutes
21 minutes
Water temperature
100°C / 212°F
85°C / 185°F
65°C / 149°F
Tea type
Oolong tea
Oriental beauty

Green tea

Additionally, I’ve calculated a formula for your convenience:
(87.3 - water temperature°C) / 0.98 = waiting time (R²=0.9364)

Each tea variety has its ideal brewing temperature, but it’s not a strict rule. Experimenting with different temperatures for the same tea can help you find the perfect brew for your taste. I hope you can brew your own delicious cup of tea.

That’s all for today’s share, see you next time.

Further reading

Is it difficult to control the tea brewing time? 4 major tea making steps teach you how to make good tea.

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